Wixford Village Map Tea Towel is available


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To boost Village Hall building project funds, the Committee has created a very special tea towel of our village using the concept of a tube map – and all Wixford properties appear on it. You can buy the tea towel towels for £9.50. They are printed on good quality cotton and measure 70cm x 47cm (28” x 18.5”). They will be available from Friday, 17th December and can be ordered in advance and of course you can buy more than one!

How to buy:

·       Collect from Angela and John Ballard at Orchard Lawns (next to The Fish). Phone 01789 490254 or email us at [email protected]. We can deliver if you can’t get to us.

·       You can pay £9.50 per tea towel by card, cash, cheque made payable to Wixford Village Hall, bank transfer to Account: 01236149, Sort Code: 30-98-26 or by PayPal to [email protected]